Xiangjia Jack Min - Bioinformatics YSU Back to Home Page

Xiangjia (Jack) Min

Also known as: Xiang Jia Min
Professor in Bioinformatics and Plant Biology
  • Education: Ph.D. (1995) University of Hawaii; MSS (Master of Software Systems) (2002) University of British Columbia;
    MS (1987) China Agricultural University; BS (1984) Qingdao Agricultural University
    Postdoctoral Research: University of British Columbia (1996-1998); Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Japan (1998-2000)
    Work Experience: Research associate - University of British Columbia (2000-2002); Concordia University (2002-2008)
    Contact Information
    picture of Dr. Min
    Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences
    College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
    Youngstown State University
    One University Plaza
    Youngstown, Ohio 44555
    Bioinformatics Tools and Databases

    Current Research & Teaching at YSU (2008 - present)

  • Research projects: (1) Bioinformatics software and database development - software tools for DNA sequence analysis and identification of alternatively spliced genes; knowledge database development for secretomes and alternatively spliced genes; (2) Gene and genome annotation and evolutionary analysis.
  • Teaching: BIOL1505: Biology & the Modern World; BIOL2601: General Biology - Molecules and Cells; BIOL3721: Genetics; BIOL3745: Plant Physiology; BIOL4890L: Molecular Genetics Laboratory; BIOL6964: Advanced Molecluar Genetics; BIOL4800: Bioinformatics; BIOL6900: Advanced Bioinformatics; BIOL5858: Computational Bioinformatics
  • News on YSU Bioinformatics Research [more]

    Publications (Full papers in journals, conference proceedings, and invited book chapters) [see Google Scholar for Citations]

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